Prof. Lajos Hanzo
Entangling Classical and Quantum Communications
Research is well under way for defining the 6th-generation wireless standard, but the field of ultimately secure quantum communications is still in its infancy. Hence substantial research efforts are required for exploring the weird & wonderful quantum world, where the traveller has to abandon the beaten track of classical physics and obey the somewhat alluring rules of quantum physics, such as the entanglement and superposition of quantum bits, as well as the no-cloning theorem. Hence we ask the daring question: is there any knowledge at all that we can ‘borrow’ from classical signal processing and communications and ‘lift’ into the quantum world?
Further Readings
[1] Hanzo, L., et al (2025). Quantum Information Processing, Sensing, and Communications: Their Myths, Realities, and Futures. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1-51.
[2] Hosseinidehaj, N., et al (2018). Satellite-based continuous-variable quantum communications: State-of-the-art and a predictive outlook. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 21(1), 881-919.
About the Speaker
Lajos Hanzo (FIEEE’04) received Honorary Doctorates from the Technical University of Budapest (2009) and Edinburgh University (2015). He is a Foreign Member of the Hungarian Science-Academy, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), of the IET, of EURASIP and holds the IEEE Eric Sumner Technical Field Award. For further details please see his Research Group and Wikipedia Page.

Dr. Wen Tong
CTO, Wireless Network, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
President, Huawei Canada R&D
Framework and Progress of 6G-ISAC for Physical-AI
Radio Frequency sensing is a widely used technology for the object detection. By employing advanced signal processing, we can further reconstruct the physical environment, such as, the room, building and street. The integrated sensing and communication from wireless base station and user devices to form networked sensing, this is a new feature for 6G wireless, which enables the sensing assisted communications to enhancement the user experience, due to the environment-aware transmission to achieve optimal performance. In this talk, we further explore the capability of the sensing-assisted AI enabled by 6G-ISAC, in this case, the radio networks provide the physical-world model for the embodiment-AI, either the bastion, or the AI device can integrated sensing AI to form the embodiment AI, this will open a vast robotic-like service and applications for 6G.
About the Speaker
Wen Tong is the CTO, Huawei Wireless, he is the chief scientist for Huawei 5G/6G. He is a Huawei Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. Prior to joining Huawei in 2009, Dr. Tong was the Nortel Fellow and head of the Network Technology Labs at Nortel. He joined the Wireless Technology Labs at Bell Northern Research in 1995 in Canada. He was the recipient of IEEE ComSoc Industry Innovation Award in 2014, the IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Industry Leader Award and the R. A. Fessenden Medal. For the past three decades, he had pioneered fundamental technologies from 1G to 6G wireless and WiFi. He is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow Royal Society of Canada.

Prof. Elif Uysal
Goal Oriented Networking: how to scale up terrestrial and Space IoT
Network capacity has traditionally been defined as a region of “arrival rates” of data from each user, that can be served with bounded delay. This definition worked reasonably well for data flows that require a somewhat continuous throughput, and can tolerate buffering. Yet, two policies or protocols that are both optimal (i.e. throughput optimal) with respect to this definition, may result in completely different delay statistics to be experienced by packet flows. This is not ideal in an IoT network in which nodes sporadically send short data packets, for example, to satisfy some monitoring or situational awareness goal, where a notion of timeliness is inherent.
In growing terrestrial and satellite IoT implementations, it is of practical interest to understand how many nodes can be supported in a given area, under contention for channel resources in a random access environment, intermittent connectivity, variable delays due to reasons such as queuing at intermediate nodes or store-and-forward. To make this scalability question precise, we can use a goal-oriented formulation where nodes use the network to supply sufficiently timely and valuable data for successful execution of a goal, e.g., remote inference, estimation, or federated learning. I will show how we can address network scalability through Goal-Oriented Networking, which replaces the assumption of exogenous arrival processes with goal-oriented traffic generation. I will describe optimal goal-oriented sampling and scheduling policies, and random access strategies, and illustrate their application in LPWANs and Space Communication.
About the Speaker
Elif Uysal is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the Middle East Technical University (METU), in Ankara, Turkey. She received the Ph.D. degree in EE from Stanford University in 2003, the S.M. degree in EECS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1999 and the B.S. degree from METU in 1997. From 2003-05 she was a lecturer at MIT, and from 2005-06 she was an Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University (OSU). Since 2006, she has been with METU, and held visiting positions at OSU and MIT during 2014-2016. Her research interests are at the junction of communication and networking theories, with particular application to energy-efficient wireless networking. Dr. Uysal was elected a Fellow of IEEE in 2022 for “pioneering contributions to energy-efficient and low-latency communications”. She is a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association, and of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance, a recipient of the ERC Advanced Grant 2024, TUBITAK BIDEB National Pioneer Researcher Grant 2020, 2014 Young Scientist Award from the Science Academy of Turkey, an IBM Faculty Award (2010), the Turkish National Science Foundation Career Award (2006), an NSF Foundations on Communication research grant (2006-2010), the MIT Vinton Hayes Fellowship, and the Stanford Graduate Fellowship. She has been serving as the Chair of the Executive Board and the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the METU Parlar Foundation for Education and Research, and assistant director of METU YTM-MATPUM, since 2022. In 2022, she founded FRESHDATA Technology.
Dr. Uysal has served on the editorial boards of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, as Lead Guest Editor for the IEEE Journal on Special Areas in Information Theory, and served numerous conferences in the Communications and Networking areas in various capacities.