Information on local hotels and travel providers. Given that it is high season we strongly recommend booking your accommodations as soon as possible to ensure availability.
Please find below recommended options for your stay near Guildford, Surrey. Please also use the most popular reservation websites (e.g., booking.com, airbnb) in addition to the hotels recommended in this page.
You can use two local hotels to the University where we have agreed discounted booking rates.
Holiday Inn – Guildford
Corporate booking rate code – Please quote ILU3S for discounted booking
Contact details – 0371 942 9036 or email: reservations@higuildford.co.uk
Harbour Hotel – Guildford city centre
Corporate booking rate – Please quote booking is for the University of Surrey for discounted booking
Contact details – 01483 792300 or email: guildford@harbourhotels.co.uk
Manor Park Campus
100 ensuite rooms are available on Manor Park Campus, University of Surrey. More information to follow.
Please also consider the following hotels:
Mandolay Hotel (Central Guildford):
The Angel Posting House:
Premier Inn Hotel:
The below are two local taxi providers you can book with. Both suppliers work off either using a purchase order for journeys or an account number. If you require your account number please contact finance support who will be able to assist with this.
Beeline Taxis
Call: 01483 823232 or email: mailto@bookings@
GM Cars
Call: 01483 566566 or email: book@gmcars.co.uk